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Year 1 Curriculum Overview can be found here: Year 1 Curriculum Overview
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Friday 14th July
We have been learning about Capacity in maths this week and it has been great fun to see which containers hold the most water. We learnt that a shallow wide container could hold more water than a tall thin container. We had a big surprise to find out that the bowl held 16 cups of water and the jug only held 8 cups of water.
On Thursday we had great fun making the bridges that we had designed. The children could use junk materials, Lego or building blocks. I was amazed that all bridges spanned the river and could hold Milo the monkey. Well done Year One for persevering with this task.
It was the last P.E. lesson with the coach this week. Great fun was had by all as they competed in lots of different games and races. We said a huge thank you to the coach and all the children were really pleased that he will be returning next year.
Friday caused great excitement because the classes were able to spend the morning with their new teacher. The children had a super morning and all are looking forward to September when they will be in Year Two.
I hope you have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Manns
Friday 30th June
The children have had a super time during enrichment week. Listening to an orchestra on Monday was fascinating, it enabled the children to meet composers of music and then participate in making music that had been written by children. It was great fun!
It was lovely to see how the Key Stage One children worked in teams on an orienteering project on Tuesday. After finding all the clues and recording the first letter of the answer to each clue they then had to find out what sentence the letters could make. It was great to see the enthusiasm of all the children trying to work out the answer!
The children were buzzing with enthusiasm after the Sports Day on Thursday. Well done everybody for working so hard, I am sure everybody slept well on Thursday night. I am very impressed with the skills that you showed in the egg and spoon race!
It was amazing to see how much progress the children have made learning to play the violin. A super performance to your parents. Well done Year One!
Friday 23rd June
It has been another busy week in Year One. It was great to listen to the children playing the glockenspiels in music on Tuesday. I was amazed that the children were able to find the correct note, and strike the correct note in time to the music. Well done Year One.
We have been learning to recognise and know the value of 1p, 2p, 5p and a 10p coin. We have been trying to solve simple problems using money remembering to count the value of each coin. If you have some spare time you may want to play shops at home.
In RE we have looked at how different people have cared for the world. The children found learning how Dr Barnardo helped young children over one hundred years ago fascinating. Looking at how different people try and look after the world from different religions showed that many people from different religions and those with no religion are all working to care for people and the world we live in.
P.E was great fun this week and all the children are looking forward to Sports Day next week. It is great to see all the children use the skills they have learnt and have so much fun.
I hope you have a great weekend.
Mrs Manns
Friday 16th June
We have enjoyed working on our poems this week about Forest School. I have been very impressed with the adjectives and verbs the children have used to make their poems interesting e.g. I can smell the fresh green grass blowing in the wind and the smoky flames crackling on the camp fire. The children have enjoyed performing their poems to the rest of the class. As the poems were performed the class have been thinking carefully how they can use the Year One discussion guidelines of looking at the person who is talking and listening with your hand down.
In maths we have been looking at how to draw arrays to help us solve multiplication problems and grouping to solve division problems. Having learnt to count in twos, fives and tens has really helped us with this work.
We had great fun in R.E. acting out the story of The Good Samaritan after discussing what it meant for Christians to care for their neighbour. Lots of the children wanted to be The Good Samaritan and many more wanted to be the robbers! It was great to see that they understood that they were only acting!
We have continued to look at different leaves in science and all of the children in Year One were very good at using the identification keys so that they could name the trees that the leaves had come from. As you are out and about in the lovely sunshine I hope your child can impress you with their knowledge.
I hope you all have a great weekend.
Mrs Manns
Friday 9th June
What a busy week we have had to the start of the term!
In Literacy this week we have been learning about Poetry. We first looked at a poem about a forest. The children were great detectives and managed to spot the adjectives and verbs in the poem.
They then thought about the adjectives and verbs they would then use to describe features of a forest. I was so impressed with their amazing ideas. Today we went into Forest School to use our senses and think of interesting words we could use in our own poems. I can’t wait to hear the poems the children have written.
We have been doing lots of counting in Maths. We have been counting in twos, fives and tens. It was lovely to see how the children could pick out the patterns on a hundred square.
In Science we have continued to learn about plants. This week we have looked at trees and particularly the trunk of a tree. It was great fun to try and make bark rubbings in Forest School. It was quite tricky to hold the paper and make a rubbing. Next week we will be trying to recognise the leaves from different trees. If you are out at the weekend perhaps you could go on a tree hunt and write down all the trees you have seen.
It was great to meet the author of the story, “ Hedgehog finds a voice. ” John de Gruyther read the story to Year One and asked the children to think about the adults in their life they can trust when something is difficult or making them unhappy.
We finished off the week making Styrofoam printing blocks and everybody is looking forward to using them next week to do some printing.
I hope you have a restful weekend.
Mrs Manns
Friday 26th May
We have had a super end to the term with all the children working really hard. It has also been great because they have enjoyed playing outside in the sunshine at break time. Let’s hope the sunshine continues next week for the half term holiday.
The children have been showing me how much they have remembered in maths this week. I was very impressed with how they manged to read the time on the clock. (o’clock and half past)
We have also been counting on and back from any 2-digit number. If you have a spare moment in the holidays it would be great for the children to work on this.
In RE the children have been showing me how much they have remembered about the unit of work on Judaism. Wow Year One I was super impressed with your work. They could talk to me about how Jewish people rest during Shabbat and how and why they celebrate Chanukah in detail. It was also great to learn about how you celebrate your birthdays, everybody seemed to celebrate their birthday in a different way which was lovely to hear about.
The children have been very interested in learning about The Great Fire of London and I hope they have impressed you with their knowledge. They have remembered so many important facts. Well done Year One.
I hope you all have a lovely restful break.
Mrs Manns
Friday 19th May
The highlight of this week was the multi-skills sports event at Kingsway School. It was great to see the children enjoy all of the fantastic activities. The children were placed in teams with the children from Kingsway. Each team was named after a country like at the Olympic games. During the morning each team moved around a different activity and the score at each activity was noted. It was great to see the children using skills they had learnt during the year e.g. throwing, aiming, running, jumping and balancing. Well done to the children in Brazil team for winning the event.
It has been lovely to see the children enthusiastically writing the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff in Literacy. It was great to see so many stories that included capital letters and full stops. Well done Year One.
In maths we have continued to learn about time. The children enjoyed learning about the stop watch and finding out how long it took their friends to build a tower of ten cubes. The record was 13 seconds! They also began to think about how long was 1 minute. It was much longer than they had expected.
The children have really enjoyed history this term and had great fun learning about how fires were put out in 1966 compared with today. They acted out putting out a fire using leather buckets and a chain of people passing the bucket from the river Thames to the burning houses. They decided that it would have taken a long time to put the fire out and that they were very fortunate to have a fire brigade today.
In art the children have continued to think about patterns. This week they have designed a block print using nature as their inspiration. It will be great to see the finished patterns when they have made their printing block.
Friday 12th May
What a busy couple of weeks we have had in Year One!
In Literacy we have been planning and writing stories using all the skills we have learnt over the past year. The children have used the story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff for inspiration. I have been very impressed with all of the super ideas that the children have come up with and how they have used adjectives to describe the characters in the story. Well done Year One.
In Maths we have been learning about time. The children have been ordering the days of the week and the months of the year. They then found out how to read a clock and have learnt that the minute hand points to the 12 for o’clock and the 6 for half past the hour.
Learning about how Jewish people celebrate Chaunkah in R.E. was great fun. The children especially enjoyed learning about the game of dreidel that is played and most of them enjoyed eating doughnuts. Please ask your child why Jewish people eat doughnuts at Chanukah and hopefully they will be able to tell you the story of Chanukah and about the miracle with the burning oil.
Last week the children had their very first violin lesson which they found very exciting. They learnt how to hold the violin correctly and to pluck the strings.
It was great to see the children developing their cricket skills in P.E. this week. The coach was very impressed with how the children used the bats and bowled to each other.
What a super end to the week with the Year One Wow assembly. Thank you very much for coming and joining us for a breakfast of pancakes to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III. The children have worked very hard this term and it was lovely to see them take pride in their learning and to see them singing their hearts out. A great end to the week Year One!
Friday 28th April
We have been busy learning about suffixes and prefixes in Literacy this week. They looked at how using the prefix “un” can change the meaning of the word and how the suffix “ed” changes a verb to the past tense.
In RE we have been learning about why the story of David and Goliath is important to Jews and Christians. We enjoyed talking about the story and thinking about how David was so brave to volunteer to fight the giant Goliath. The children were able to talk about times when they had been brave too!
PSHE was all about keeping ourselves safe with medicines. We thought about all the safe things we can put inside our bodies, all the safe things we can put inside our bodies with adult supervision and all the things we should not put inside out bodies because they are harmful.
We had another fantastic week developing our cricket skills in PE. This week we learnt how to bowl underarm and overarm. I was very impressed with how many children could hit the wickets!
It was a treat to end the week in forest school. We had so much fun working in the beautiful sunshine.
The photos show how much fun and learning took place!
Have a super weekend.
Mrs Manns
Friday 21st April
I can’t believe that we have got to the end of Week 1 so quickly!
We have had a busy week learning the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff. The children were brilliant at suggesting actions as we learnt the story. We drew a story map to help us learn all of the words.
The Coronation of King Charles III will soon be here and we have begun to think about this by painting and decorating plates with crowns on them. It was great fun!
In History, the children really impressed me with the thoughtful questions that they would like to find the answers to, about The Great Fire of London. Here are some of them:-
How did the fire start?
Who started the fire?
How was the fire put out?
How much damage did the fire cause?
How long did the fire last?
Where did all the people go?
Over the next few weeks the children will be learning all about The Great Fire of London and will then be able to answer their own questions.
During PE this week everybody had great time learning the skills of throwing and catching so that they can hen use these skills when playing cricket. Here are some photos below.
I hope you have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Manns
Friday 17th March
This week was British Science Week and we have had so much fun doing lots of different science activities.
On Monday we had our introduction to Science Week and found out lots of the activities that we might be doing. On Tuesday we had 2 visitors in our class. The first was out STEM ambassador Phil in, and he talked lots about the things that he has built and even told us a story. Then Beth from the Sea Bins project came in to talk about the work that they have been doing at Gloucester Docks. On Wednesday Severn Trent came in to tell us all about the importance of drinking fresh water. On Friday we had Ben from Dyson come in to do a workshop with us. We used acetate to create a boat that had to keep Bens cake out of the water. It was a little bit tricky, but the children used super teamwork skills and Ben was able to eat his cake!
In Maths we started to look at fractions. We are focussing on finding 1 half and 1 quarter. This was quite tricky, but, we now know that 1 half has 2 equal parts, and 1 quarter has 4 equal parts.
In PE, we had our first dance lesson. The children had great fun doing their warm up and stretches, as well as learning a dance routine!
I have been so proud of how well the children have listened this week.
Miss Higgins ?
Friday 10th March
In maths this week, we have continued with our addition and subtraction unit, and we can now partition numbers up to 20! The children have also been super at spotting patterns when they are writing their number sentences, linked to the part-part whole. We then looked at word problems, using all of the numbers that we have learnt to partition so far.
In Literacy we have started to look at non-chronological reports. We started by looking at the features we would find in one, and then onto planning our own non-chronological report about an animal. The children had to think about what they eat, what they look like, where they live, and an interesting fact. They have done a super job at planning their report, and I am looking forward to reading them once they have been written next week.
In PE we had a fun lesson of gymnastics using the apparatus. We were practising our jumps (making sure that we landed safely!), our forward rolls and some balancing. Even though some of the box tops were quite high, the children were all so brave and all of them had a go!
In RE we have continued to look at Judaism, and more specifically at the Mezuzah and the Shema prayer. The children looked at what the prayer would say if it were written in English. One of the main parts was about an important belief. The children then wrote an important belief that they had in their book.
In Geography, we have looked at human and physical features on the school grounds. We recapped what a human and physical feature was, and then decided if the areas around the school were a human or physical feature. The children really impressed me with remembering what these were!
Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Higgins ?
Friday 3rd March
It has been so lovely to have the children back in the classroom this week! They have really hit the ground running with their learning and have been superstars all week!
In our maths learning we are going back to our addition and subtraction unit, but our numbers are getting bigger! This week we have partitioned 17 and 18, then written addition and subtraction number sentences to go with this. They have tried really hard at using a careful counting for this, so that they do not miss any cubes.
In Literacy, we have started to look at using ‘and’ to join simple sentences. We have started by writing about things that we did during our half-term. We then looked at a picture and wrote about things that are happening in that.
On Thursday we had great fun doing our learning in our pyjamas! We shared lots of books, learnt about a new author, and practised drawing one of the characters from the book. It was lovely to see all of the children really enjoying this and having that love for reading.
In PE we started a new unit, Gymnastics. The children tested how hard their core strength was by showing front and back supports. They then learnt all of the steps leading to a forward roll. Even though it was a little bit scary to complete a forward roll, the children took it in their stride, and loved it!
I am so proud of how much effort the children have put in this week!
Have a lovely weekend
Miss Higgins
Friday 17th February
1B have really impressed me this week.
This week we have been doing lots of learning, leading up to making sandwiches. First we looked at where bread comes from. Then we designed our sandwiches, including writing some instructions of how we would make them. On Wednesday, we finally put our instructions to the test, and made our sandwiches. Finally, on Thursday, we evaluated our sandwiches, and decided what we could do better. Lots of the children thought adding chocolate to the sandwiches would improve them!
In maths we have been completing our remember it quizzes. The children have really impressed me with everything that they have remembered this term! A Huge well done to everyone!
We had fun looking at pictures of our pets in Science this week. We collected data on them, thinking about what type of animal they are, what their diet is, how many legs they have, and what colour they are. This used all of our learning from this term, and the children have remembered so much!
In PE we continued learning skills for hockey. The children were practising their shooting skills and combining these with their dribbling skills. They had great fun using all of these skills in a game, and showed super concentration.
Thank you to everyone for coming in to parents evening this week. It was lovely to catch up with you all and discuss how your children are getting on.
Have a restful half-term
Miss Higgins ?
Friday 3rd February
In Literacy this week we have written our own stories, using The Snail and The Whale to help us. I was so impressed with how well all of the children have done. They have written some amazing sentences with super description!
In Maths we started our measurement unit. This involved us looking at length, deciding which is longer or shorter, as well as putting them into order. The children have worked really hard on their vocabulary this week, and using the stem sentences!
In History we looked at the life of Christopher Columbus and made our very own timeline! The children have learnt a lot about his life an the different trips that he took around the world.
In Computing, we looked at digital painting and how to use paint on the laptops. The children are really developing their skills of logging themselves into the computer, and using the mouse really well.
In PE, we worked with Alan to practise our passing skills, thinking about shooting a goal. The children started by thinking about their control whilst dribbling, making sure that they kept the ball close to them. They then progressed to aiming the ball and shooting for a target.
Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Higgins
Friday 27th January
What an exciting week in 1B!
On Friday, we had a visit from the Bird Man! We had a workshop first to learn all about the girds and see them. Even though the birds were quite big, the children were so brave!
In PE we continued to practise our dribbling skills. Lee, our coach, was so impressed with the children’s listening and control over the ball. We played lots of games to develop our skill and had a lot of fun.
In Computing, we have been learning all about robots. We got the BeeBots out and learnt how to use them. The children were super at getting them to move where they wanted them too.
In Literacy, we have learnt a new type of word. We have been listening to a very catchy song, all about verbs. We have then applied this to our writing and have written sentences about The Snail and The Whale. (Ask the children if they can remember what a verb is)
In Maths we have finished our addition and subtraction unit to 16. We finished the week with some addition and subtraction word problems. The children have blown my socks off with their resilience to learning!
Have a lovely weekend!
Miss Higgins
Friday 20th January
What a busy week we have had in 1B!
In Phonics we have been learning lots of alternative sounds for our graphemes! It has been a bit tricky to remember them all, but I am so proud of how well the children have done this week! Keep practising, and we will send home the new flashcards and rhymes with homework next week.
Our numbers seem to be getting bigger and bigger in Maths. This week we have partitioned 14 and 15, as well as writing the number sentences that go with them. The children are really rising to the the challenges of Year 1 and taking it all in their stride!
In PE we have been practising ‘tick-tocking’ with footballs. Most of the children found a link and spotted that this was in fact dribbling! We played lots of games to practise this skill and really improved over the lesson. The children had great control over the ball.
In RE we have been looking at how Christians show love to God. The children had some great examples of what Christians might do, as well as thinking of some things that they do to show love.
Finally on Friday we had some DEAR (drop everything and read) time. We found a good book, got comfy and did some reading for pleasure. What a lovely way to end our week.
Fingers crossed the sun stays for the weekend!
Miss Higgins ?
Friday 13th January
It is so lovely to have the children back in school! We have hit the ground running with all of our learning this week and I am so proud of how well the children have done!
In Literacy, we have been learning all about adjectives, and what we use them for. The children have been able to identify them in sentences, as well as write their own sentences using them. On Wednesday we described the snail from our new book, The Snail and the Whale, and I was blown away with all of the adjectives that the children were able to generate!
In Maths we have continued our addition and subtraction unit, and have been partitioning two-digit numbers. The children have been drawing part-whole models once they have partitioned the number. After they have drawn the part-whole models, the children have been writing number sentences to match this.
We had a very exciting lesson in Science on Monday! The children saw some footage of aliens landing at school over the weekend. They even left a letter for us to read with a task! We need to learn about all of the different animals that we have on Earth, their diets and the structure of them. Once we have completed our learning, we are going to leave a letter out for the Aliens to collect when we are not here!
We have started to learn about explorers in our History learning, in particular, Christopher Columbus. We have discussed what an explorer is, and what they might do. We are really looking forward to learning more about what he did, and what he discovered.
Have a lovely weekend
Miss Higgins ?
Friday 2nd December
Christmas has arrived in 1B!
In Literacy this week we have started looking at letters. On Thursday we got a letter from our new visitor, Snowball! He asked us lots of questions. We then wrote a letter back to him, answering all of his questions. Then we practised our speaking and read our letters to him.
In Maths we have started our new unit, 3D Shape. We have explored different shapes and their names. We discussed how many faces the shapes have and what 2D shape the faces are.
In Science, we started to explore the season, Winter. We looked at what the weather might be like, how long the days are, and what months are in the Winter season.
For our RE learning this week, we explored how Muslims show love. Then we made links to Christianity, and people of no religion. The children were great at making links between this, and our class rules.
Our nativity is now looking great! We can not wait for you to watch it next week.
Thank you for your continued support.
Miss Higgins ?
Friday 25th November
This week in Maths we have been looking at partitioning 8 and 9. Once we drew all of our part-whole models, we then wrote the addition and subtraction number sentences to match them. This was a little bit tricky, but with lots of practise the children rose to the challenge.
In Literacy, we have been focussing on questions. We have done lots of asking questions to our partners, both by talking, and writing them down. We looked at our new key book, and wrote questions linked to that.
In History this week we looked at how boats have changed through time. We noticed how the materials of boats have changed, as well as how they move. The children really enjoyed looking at the different boats, and sorting them into past and present.
We have done a lot of practising this week for our Nativity performance. I have been so proud of how well the children have learnt their lines and the songs for the performance. I am sure that you can not wait to see their performance soon!
Thank you for all of your support
Miss Higgins ?
Friday 18th November
We have had another great week in 1B this week!
In Literacy we have been writing all about our trip to meet Hannah Shaw on Tuesday. We have sequenced what happened on our trip, then we wrote sentences using our targets, capital letters, as well as using the conjunction ‘and’. We have also been practising our lines for the Nativity, making sure we speak in a clear, loud voice.
In Maths we have finished our unit on Number and Place Value, thinking about 1 more and 1 less than a number. The children have used their hundreds square to help them solve these tricky questions and they have done amazingly!
In History we have looked at the different ways we can find out about the past. The children were able to think of lots of different ways that we can look at the past, including; looking in books, researching on the internet, and visiting museums.
In RE we looked at how Christians believe God taught them love, and which Bible stories teach them this. The children then thought about how they show love, and what we could do to show love to our family and friends.
Finally, we have had a very exciting week, as we have started to practise for our Nativity! The children have listened really well when rehearsing, and they have learnt their lines really well! Please keep practising them at home, if you have a chance.
Thank you for your ongoing support
Miss Higgins ?
Friday 11th November
We have had another great week in 1B!
In Literacy this week, we have been learning all about Remembrance Day, and what life might have been like down in the trenches! Our target for the week has been to use the conjunction ‘and’ in our sentences. The children have tried really hard with this and have written some amazing sentences.
In Maths we have continued our number and place value unit, looking at numbers to 100. On Monday we created our own number line from 0-100. Once we had created this, we had a go at estimating where numbers might be on a number line, we found this a bit tricky, but all of the children persevered!
In History this week, we went to the big history timeline that is in the main corridor. Our focus was looking at when Gloucester gained its port status. We realised that it was quite a long time ago, and lots has happened since then.
In RE we are looking at symbols that show you belong to a community. Our focus this week will be on how Christians show that they belong to the Christian community.
Have a lovely weekend!
Miss Higgins
Friday 4th November
We have had a lovely first week back after half term!
In Literacy we have been remembering to use our capital letters and full stops whilst writing our sentences. We have been writing all about Bonfire Night. We looked at why we celebrate Bonfire Night and how we can stay safe whilst watching fireworks.
In Maths, we have started a number and place value unit, looking at numbers up to 100! We have practised counting forwards and backwards up to 100, as well as, looking at the structure of the numbers.
We have started looking at History this week. We had a big discussion about what history is, and what we might be looking at during out history lessons. I know the children are looking forward to learning more about this.
In RE we are looking at a new key question, ‘What does it mean to belong to a faith community?’. We have discussed what communities we are part of, and how this makes us feel.
Have a lovely weekend
Miss Higgins
Friday 7th October
We have had a very exciting week in 1B!
On Monday we walked to St James Church to celebrate Harvest! The children got to perform the harvest song that they had been practising, as well as some hymns that we sing in collective worship at school.
In Maths we have started our 2D Shape unit. The children have been exploring different 2D shapes and tried drawing them using rulers. We have been recognising and describing, squares, rectangles and circles.
In Literacy, we have been practising our sentence writing and writing about lots of different things. We wrote all about our trip to the church on Monday, remembering our capital letters for names, places and days of the week. We also started to describe The Gingerbread Man. We thought of lots of describing words together and then put them into sentences.
In science this week we looked at describing different materials. The children worked with their learning partner to find different objects around the room that they could describe with key words.
In art this week we started to look at drawing self-portraits. We will be practising different parts of our face over the next few weeks. We can not wait to show you the finished picture!
Have a lovely weekend
Miss Higgins
Friday 30th September
In Literacy, we have been exploring how to use the conjunction ‘and’ in our sentences. We discussed how we use conjunctions to join two words together. We wrote sentences about different things that we like, as well as what farmers might grow during Harvest time.
In our maths learning this week, we have been looking at which number is more and which number is less. This then helped us when we had to put different numbers into the correct order. To finish our Number and Place Value unit, we have looked at 1 more and 1 less than a number. We are looking forward to starting Shape next week!
In geography we have looked at human and physical features. We discussed how they were both made and found examples of both. The children were amazing at sorting the examples of both.
In Science this week, we went on a material hunt. We went to different areas of the school to find objects and we discussed what we thought they might be made from. In the hall, we found the wall bars, and the children discussed that they were mainly made from wood, but some bits were metal. Outside we sat in the amphitheatre, the children noticed that the seats they were sat in were made from wood as well!
Have an amazing weekend
Miss Higgins ?
Friday 23rd September
We have been very busy this week in 1B!
In Literacy, we have continued to look at capital letters in our sentences. This week we have looked at using them for names, places, days of the week, and I! The children have been super learners and done really well at this! They have been finding names and places in sentences and making sure that they have the correct capital letter. We have also written sentences on what we have done on different days, remembering our capital letter for the day of the week!
This week in maths, we have continued our Number and Place Value unit. We made our own number line together, then looked at estimating where numbers would go on a blank number line. Then, we moved on to learning how to read and write numbers 0-20 in words. The children worked really hard on this, and were able to spot some graphemes that they recognise.
In geography, we looked at a story called ‘The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse’. We discussed the differences between a town and the country side. The children then sorted some different places into where we would find them e.g. field, cinema, tractor, shopping centre.
This week’s PE session was very exciting! We were learning how to dribble a basketball, both on the spot, and whilst walking. The children had amazing control of the basketball and they were super speedy whilst dribbling! At the end we had a race and some of the children even beat the teachers!
Have an amazing weekend!
Friday 16th September
We have had a great week in 1B!
I hope you found Meet The Teacher helpful, if you have any questions, please ask.
In Literacy this week, we have been focussing on using capital letters at the beginning of our sentences, finger spaces between our words and full stops at the end of our sentences. The children have been writing sentences linked to our core text, ‘The Gingerbread Man’. We have started to re-tell this story, and the children have enjoyed putting actions to the story.
In maths, we started our Number and Place Value unit. We have been practising counting forwards and backwards between 0-20. The children have explored using tens frames, and can already recognise that one filled tens frame represents 10. The tricky part about maths this week was looking at number lines, and exploring where different numbers belong on that line.
On Tuesday we started our first unit ‘Who do Christians say made the world?’. The children shared their thoughts on this question, both with their learning partner, and the class. We then got the Bible out and shard the creation story. The children really impressed me when they were able to sequence the story independently.
This week, our classroom got transformed into a science lab and we used the clues to help us answer the question, ‘What is Science?’. This term, we will be exploring different materials, and the children were already great at describing what some of the objects around then classroom were made of.
Have a lovely weekend
Miss Higgins
Friday 9th September
We have had a great first week in Year 1!
The children have started settling into the new routines and classroom environment. There have been lots of new areas for them to explore, including the construction area, and reading space with lots of comfy pillows.
The children have really impressed me with their ‘have a go’ attitude towards their learning. We have started to introduce morning work, Literacy and Maths. They have tried really hard with their sentence writing and letter formation.
I am so proud of how well they have settled into Year 1 and I am really looking forward to the year ahead!
Miss Higgins