Welcome to our Year 2 Class Page

Friday 17th May 2024

As always, Year 2 have been working their socks off.

In maths this week, we have been revisiting our knowledge on telling the time. Looking specifically at telling the time using intervals of 5 minutes to tell the time using ‘past’ and ‘to’. Telling the time is not easy but they have all tried so hard.

In History we have continued finding out about Walter Tull. We have been comparing his life to Marcus Rashford who has also sadly experienced racism. Children have used their strong understanding to write using facts they have learnt this term- very impressive!

In R.E. we have been exploring what matters the most to Christians. We read and learnt the Bible story- Pearl of Greatest Price.

In Science we have continued to explore different minibeasts, looking at what makes a great habitat and why minibeasts choose these places to live. Children have learnt the words ‘exoskeleton’ and ‘invertebrate’.

In Art we have continued to explore print. Children have made their own prints using cardboard and string, ready to create their very own print next week.

We hope you enjoy your weekend and the sun continues to shine!


Friday 3rd May 2024

This half term is going incredibly quickly! Week 4 down already and only 3 more weeks to go.

First of all, a huge well done to our Year 2’s for their fabulous recorder concert last Wednesday! We do hope you enjoyed it- we really did!

As always, Year 2 have been working super hard alongside all the recorder practise…

In History we have continued finding out about Walter Tull. We have explored the evolution of football kits- how they have changed over time and why. We have created our own football kits inspired by the 1900’s and football kits inspired by those now. We also learned about the abuse Tull suffered in a football match against Bristol City due to the colour of his skin. We learned about campaigns that exist now to tackle prejudice and linked our learning to our school value of respect.

In R.E. we have been learning how God brings peace to Christians and how others find peace- peace in ourselves, peace with others and peace with the world. We created some beautiful posters illustrating the different types of peace.

In Science we have been nature spotters! We went on a nature hunt to explore habitats, find mini beast and look at flowers, trees and plants in our outdoor school environment.

Fingers crossed for a sunny bank holiday weekend!

Friday 12th April 2024

It was lovely to see all the children after the Easter break.

In Literacy we have been developing our writing skills to include using the past and present tense correctly. They particularly enjoyed writing about what they had done over the Easter break.

In Maths we have been learning about getting change from 50p and £1. Next week we will begin data handling including tally charts and pictograms.

In History we have started our unit on Walter Tull. We have already had some interesting discussions about what makes someone famous and significant and how Walter Tull was not treated how we would expect in his life time.

In PE we are developing our hand-eye co-ordination while learning cricket. With the weather improving it was lovely to have our first PE lesson of the term outside. which the children really enjoyed.

We look forward to seeing you on the 24th for the children to share with you their recorder skills.

Thank you for your continued support

Mrs Lewis, Mrs Pritlove and Mrs Manley.
Friday 8th March 2024

Gosh, what a busy few weeks we have had this term!

We have had a super fun week as it’s been ‘The Really Wild Reading Festival’ week and we enjoyed World Book Day! Throughout the week, we have been doing lots of reading based activities as well as some sewing. We had a fab time on Wednesday at Meadowside Primary School, where we met the author Andy Seed. He shared lots of his books with us and told us about some really interesting and endangered animals!

Amongst all of this, we have been busy with other learning too. We have been learning about the different pronouns and how we can use these in our writing to make it more varied. We have also been recognising and using adverbs in our writing- excellent work.

In Maths we have been have begun to look at time. We are now able to tell the time using quarter past. Next week, we will be moving on to tell the time to 5 minute intervals to and past the hour.

In our RE lessons, we continue to recognise that Easter is very important in the ‘big story’ of the Bible. Children have been busy creating their own Easter story spinners to help them retell the story.

We have another fun filled week in store as this week is Science Week!

The Year Two Team

Friday 22nd February 2024

What a lovely first week back! We have heard all about the children’s half term adventures and the children have settled straight back into their routine and learning here at school.

In Maths we have started to learn about fractions. We have focused on 1/3 and explored how we can represent 1/3 in different ways. We have also been practising using the correct mathematical vocab when describing fractions.

This week in P.E. we had a lesson with our sports coach Kieran and it was A LOT of fun. We jumped and practised our throwing and catching. He even timed how fast we could run! Some of us were like lightening bolts!

In Geography, we have started to learning about the world’s oceans and continents. We discussed what a continent and ocean is and then we learnt a song to help us remember the continent names. Following this we practised locating these oceans and continents on a world map and we will continue this learning next week too.

We have started a new unit in R.E. and our focus question for the term is ‘Why does Easter matter to Christians?’. We did a little recap on the Easter story and what happens in it and we also sequenced pictures from the story in the correct order.

Have a lovely weekend and we’ll see you next week.

Mrs Pritlove, Mrs Manley and Mrs Lewis


Friday 2nd February 2024

What a busy few weeks Year 2 have had!

In Literacy, we have been developing our writing skills to include statements, questions and commas in a list.  The children are looking forward to using these skills next week to write a recount of their trip to the SS Great Britain. We were all really proud of the children on the trip and the staff at the SS Great Britain commented on how lovely and engaged the children were throughout the day.

Back in the classroom the children have been very busy.  In Maths they have been learning about measuring mass and length.  They had great fun working together to measure different areas of the school and objects in the classroom.

In Art, the children have been learning about Vincent Van Gogh and have been creating their own artwork inspired by his Boats at St Marine and Sunflowers artwork.

While in computing the children have been learning to code the Bee-bots. This week they created their own mats to use to write algorithms for the Bee-bots to move around them.

We hope you have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Lewis, Mrs Pritlove and Mrs Manley

Friday 22nd December 2023

WOW Year Two…We made it!

The end of term is finally here and what an amazing term it has been!

We hope you all enjoyed our Christmas Nativity. We loved performing to you all and enjoyed seeing the smiles on everyone’s faces as they said their lines, danced the dances and sang the songs.

In R.E. we have been learning about Christian advent celebrations. Last week we looked at the advent wreath and this week we found out about Christingle. We even made our own! We have also been studying nativity sets from around the world.

On Wednesday, we have the most delicious Christmas dinner followed by our Christmas party! It was an afternoon of scavenger hunting, pattern making and disco dancing- the teachers would love to know where the children get their dance moves from?!

To finish off our Geography topic, the children have worked hard to create a double page spread on what they have found out about the UK’s capital cities. They have really demonstrated what they have learnt in Geography but also used so many skills they have been taught in Literacy- well done Year 2.

In between all of this the children have continued with Maths, Literacy and Reading and we have squeezed in some Art and Computing work too. No wonder we are all exhausted!

Year 2, as always, thank you for working so, so hard- you are all amazing!

Have the most magical  Christmas and we will look forward to seeing you in the new year.

Mrs Pritlove, Mrs Manley and Mrs Lewis

Friday 17th November 2023

It was lovely to see all the children after the October break.

As well as getting stuck into rehearsals for the Christmas play, the children have been very busy in class and have all risen to the challenge.

In Literacy we have been developing our writing skills to include commands. They particularly enjoyed making the magic potion using the witch’s recipe before creating their own. We have looked at how commands can be used in different styles of writing including commands to help with younger children and instructions to make our own crowns.

In Maths we have been learning about subtraction. We have been learning about how unlike addition subtraction is not commutative as well as different ways to complete these calculations. This has included number lines and partitioning and how the number facts we used in addition can also support us in subtraction calculations.

In Science we have started our unit on Animals including humans and have enjoyed looking at the lifecycles of different animals and how humans change throughout their lives. Thank you to those of you who have sent in a photo of your child as a baby – we are all looking forward to playing ‘Who’s Who’ over the next couple of weeks. We have also started our Art unit on Andy Goldsworthy and in the coming weeks will be starting to create art work that reflects his style. We will be sending out a PING in relation to this but if you are out on a walk if you could collect autumnal leaves, conkers etc to be sent in when requested it would be greatly appreciated,

We look forward to seeing you over the coming weeks at the Christmas Fayre and the Nativity Play

Thank you for your continued support.

The Year 2 Team

Friday 13th October 2023

What a fun-filled couple of weeks Year 2 have had!

In Literacy we have been looking at and writing our own set of instructions, focusing on sequencing. All of the children now know how to catch their very own giant! While in phonics we have been learning the difference between ‘w’ and ‘wh’ and how we can find ‘w’ in the middle of words as well as the beginning and end but ‘wh’ is always found at the beginning!

In Maths we have been learning how to add a 1-digit number to a 2-digit number using bridging- not easy to do but you have all worked so hard and we are so proud. We have also been adding multiples of ten to a 2-digit number and we have set some follow-up homework for this so the children can practice at home.

In History we have continued to learn about Gloucester docks. This week we took our learning outside of the classroom and enjoyed a walk to the Quayside. We were able to link our learning from previous lessons this term. During our visit, we also did some drawings of the canal.

In DT we have been busy designing our own smoothies, 2B have been busy making them whilst 2A will do this next week.
2A have also enjoyed a trip to Forest School where they added to their knowledge of fire safety and ended their session with a yummy marshmallow.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend.
The Year Two team

Friday 29th September 2023

What a fun filled couple of weeks Year 2 have had.

In Literacy we have been developing our writing skills to include coordinating conjunctions. They have been using ‘and’, ‘or’ and ‘but’ to join two sentences together.   While in phonics we have been learning the alternative ‘er’ sounds such as burn, learn, worm and fir.

In Maths we have been learning about shape.  As well as learning about pentagons, octagons and hexagons we have also learnt that a square is a special type of rectangle because it has four sides like all rectangles but they are all equal in length.

In History we have continued to learn about Gloucester docks and this week we got to handle some artefacts that would have been used at the docks or when building the docks.

In DT we are working towards making our own smoothies.  Last week, we tasted some shop bought smoothies and this week we have been practicing our cutting skills.  We are looking forward to designing and tasting our own smoothies over the next couple of weeks.

We will be sending a ping out shortly regarding a walk to the canal as we will require parent helpers to assist with this.

Have a lovely weekend.

The Year Two team

Friday 15th September 2023

What a wonderful first full week back after the summer holidays!

It has been lovely to hear about what the children have been up to over the six weeks- they have definitely had lots of fun!

The children have settled brilliantly into Year 2 (already!!) and we have warmly welcomed Zach to our year group!

To begin with, we have had lots of time to remind ourselves of our school rules, new classroom rules and a reminder of our ‘Class Powers’. We have used this to help us tackle our first challenges in the Year 2 curriculum and we have been blown away by all of you!

In Literacy we have had a little refresh on basic punctuation- capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. We have also been learning about expanded noun phrases. We have been thinking of excellent adjectives to put before a noun to give more detail. We have also learnt about homophones in Phonics and we’ve been practising spelling these correctly in the right context.

In Maths we have looked at partitioning 2-digit numbers in different ways using our base tens resources. We have set some follow up homework for this so the children can practise at home. We have also been comparing two 2-digit numbers using < > and =

In Computing we have been learning about what Information Technology is- what it looks like and what it doesn’t look like. In Science we have begun our materials topic and went on a materials hunt and discussed their properties. We also investigated which material would be most suitable for the sole of a shoe. We decided rubber would be best as it had the most grip.

We loved having our sports coaches back this week and we had a super fun lesson on how to use our bodies to move in different ways.

We have many tired faces this afternoon, so make sure you have a restful weekend ready for week 3!

Have a lovely weekend.

The Year Two team