Welcome to our Year One Class Page
Friday 5th July 2024
We have been busy over the last couple of weeks preparing for the WOW assembly next week. We do hope you can come. The children have been working hard thinking about all they have learnt this year.
In Maths we have been learning how to recognise all of the different coins and notes that we can use. We have been learning what each coin and note is worth and looking at items that we could buy with different amounts of money.
In Geography we have had great fun learning about Scotland and Wales. We have learnt traditional dances from each of the countries and tasted traditional food. Thank you, Liz, for making the cakes and biscuits each week for the children. It was interesting to find out about the symbols each country uses and the Patron Saints of each country.
In P.E. we have been developing our athletic skills and I am sure that you will agree that all of the children tried their best on Sports Day. It was lovely to see the children participate with confidence. The sport continued all afternoon with bean bag toss, pirate ship, parachute games, rounders and frisbee. It was great fun.
In RE we have been looking at the story of The Good Samaritan and what Christians might learn from this story. We then looked at the Golden Rule of treating others how you would like to be treated. We acted out lots of different scenarios that helped us understand how to care for others in our world.
Singing can often be heard coming from the Year One Classes. The children are enjoying learning new songs and playing the percussion instruments in lessons. You will be able to hear some of the songs at the WOW assembly.
We hope you enjoy the school Summer Fayre.
Mrs Manns and Miss Williams
Friday 21st June 2024
Summer 2 – WOW time really does fly when you are having fun!
We have been working our socks off, preparing our WOW assembly, to let you know about all the things we have learnt and enjoyed this year.
In Maths, we have learnt how to count in 2s, 5s and 10s. We have been using the knowledge when looking at money. The children have shown they are able to count coins by counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. Colin has been giving us tricky word problem to solve which are making us think really hard. The children are showing so much progress in maths.
In Literacy, we have learnt the poem Walking through the Woodland. The children are able to re-tell this poem off-by-heart which is always lovely to hear. We then used our Forest School area to get inspiration for our own poem. We came up with lots of ideas about what we could see, feel, hear and smell. The children have written their own poems called Walking through Forest School. We hope you enjoy reading them at parents evening.
In Science, we have been looking at Seasonal changes in Summer. Unfortunately, we haven’t seen a lot of summer yet but the children were already able to give some great examples of things you may see at summer time e.g. the sun, swimming pools and fresh grass. Let’s keep everything crossed that the sun puts his hat on a little bit more!
In Geography and History, we have been using all of the knowledge we have learnt this year to take part in ‘Country day’. Each week, we have been looking at a different country. This week was ‘England day!’. We learnt how to do country dancing, ate delicious scones with jam and found out about St George. Next week, we will be focusing on Scotland.
In RE, we have started our new unit, ‘How should we care for others and the world?’ We have discussed what the words unique and valuable mean and what makes a person unique and valuable. The children came up with such thoughtful ideas. We are linking this to the parable The Good Samaritan. The children have loved using the play figures to re-create the story.
In PE, we have been practising our running, jumping and catching skills all ready for Sports Day. We have been very impressed with the progress the children have made with their catching/passing skills.
We really hope you enjoyed our Violin Concert. I sure you will all agree how amazing it is to see 5- and 6-year olds playing a string instrument altogether. We have loved watching them blossom each week.
Important dates:
Sports day – Thursday 4th July
Summer Fayre – Friday 5th July
WOW assembly – Wednesday 10th July
School trip to Westonbirt – Friday 12th July
Have a wonderful weekend.
Miss Williams and Mrs Manns
Friday 17th May 2024
A busy term is flying by and the children have been fortunate in being able to enjoy the sunshine.
This week got off to a great start with the Spring walk. The children were able to spot lots of different signs of Spring. After they had returned to school they looked closely at a range of different leaves. They talked about the similarities and differences between the leaves by observing them closely with magnifying glasses. The pictures that they then drew were very detailed. They remembered to draw the veins and hairs on the leaves.
We hope the children have been talking to you about the stories they have written this term. After learning The Three Billy Goats Gruff, the children wrote their own stories about two different animals. It was lovely to see them share their innovations with the class.
In RE the children have been learning about Chanukah. They have found out about how Jewish families celebrate this festival. Learning how to play the dreidel was great fun, unfortunately they only had cubes to play with instead of chocolate! Learning about why Jewish people celebrate Chanukah was interesting. Please ask your child/children if they can tell you about the miracle of the burning oil which lasted for eight nights.
I am sure that you have heard about how the children are learning to play the violin. It has been amazing how much progress the children have made in such a short space of time. They have learnt how to pluck the strings, use the bow and the names of the 4 strings. Trying to hold the violin and bow at the same time is quite tricky!
It has been great to get outside in PE with coach Lee. He is teaching the children how to play cricket. They have been developing their throwing, catching, batting and fielding skills. It has been great fun.
We hope you have a super weekend
Mrs Manns and Miss Williams
Friday 19th April 2024
Welcome to the Summer Term! The term where all coats and jumpers get misplaced and the sun shines! We have hit the ground running this term with our learning and the children have responded really well.
In Literacy, we have been focusing on plurals, prefixes and suffixes. The children have understood all 3 concepts really well. They were able to use the plurals rule to check whether a word needed an ‘s’ or ‘es’. We looked at the prefix ‘un’ and the suffixes -ing, -ed, -est and -er. We gave the children the root word and they had to work out which suffix would sound right on the end, e.g. jump – jumping.
Our focus text this term is The Three Billy Goats Gruff. It only took the children 1 week to learn the whole story, with actions. We are so impressed. Hopefully they are able to re-tell the story at home, too.
In maths, we have been focusing on addition and subtraction. During the first week, we looked at adding single digit numbers together, adding numbers by bridging 10 and adding 10 to a single digit number. In the second week, we did exactly the same thing but with subtraction. The children have loved using the maths resources to support them with their learning, particularly the 100 square and jottings.
In Science, we have started our new topic about plants. In this topic, we will look at the plant structure, different types of trees and different plants. This week, we looked the roots of the plant. Some children were fascinated to look and touch the roots as they say, ‘they are normally under the ground so we don’t see them’. The children were able to draw the roots of a pansy plant and describe what it looked like. All of our learning will be consolidated when we visit Westonbirt Arboretum in July.
The Great Fire of London is the hot topic in Year 1 at the moment and oh my goodness, they are loving it! They have loved learning about how the fire started and all the people who were involved. The children have asked some really thought-provoking questions and hopefully, throughout the term, they will be able to answer them as they learn more.
In RE, we continue with our unit ‘Who is Jewish and how do they live?’. We have looked at how and why Jewish people celebrate Shabbat (their day of rest). As Shabbat last for 25 hours, we compared their day of rest to what a day of rest may look like for us. The children were fascinated to see all of the thing Jewish people do to celebrate with their families.
In Computing, we have started our Digital Writing unit. They children have remembered so many skills from when we completed our Digital Painting unit in Autumn 2. We will be using our typing skills to type a letter to Mrs Moss. Very grown up!
In PSHE, we have been discussing keeping safe around medicines and basic first aid. The children already knew so much. In Music, as we are hoping you know, the children have now started learning to play the Violin. Thank you to the Gloucestershire Music Service for their knowledge and support with this.
Reminder: please make sure your child’s jumper and coat are named. It makes it a lot easier to find if it has been misplaced.
Enjoy your weekend!
Miss Williams and Mrs Manns
Friday 15th March 2024
We have had a busy two weeks in school. Last week we had the Really Wild Reading Festival. The week got off to a great start with Charlotte Middleton zooming into the classroom and reading one of the stories she had written, Christopher’s Bicycle. The children enjoyed making bookmarks featuring Christopher, whose father recycled his bicycle.
Then we were treated to a great morning at Meadowside Primary School where we met Andy Seed. He was great at telling stories and the children enjoyed learning about how Andy interviewed the animals in his books. He read the children stories from Interview with a Tiger. His books educate children about looking after the planet and particularly animals that face extinction.
Lots of sleepy children came to school on Thursday in their pyjamas for World Book Day. It was great to read some of the children’s favourite books that they had brought into school.
In maths we have been learning about fractions. We have found a half and a quarter of shapes and amounts. The children have learnt how to write the symbol for ½ and ¼ and what it means.
Learning about Judaism in RE has been very interesting. The children have learnt about why Jewish people touch the Mezuzah when they enter the house and what the important prayer, The Shema means. They have found out that the story of Creation that can be found in the Bible can also be found in The Torah. The children have learnt all about Shabbat and why Jews celebrate Shabbat each week. They are looking forward to finding out about how Jews worship next week when a lady from The Cheltenham Synagogue will be talking to them on zoom.
In Geography the children have been learning all about the countries that make up The United Kingdom and the names of the capital cities in each of the countries. Have a go at asking your child which capital city is found in which country to see if they have remembered! They have also learnt how to read a simple map. They went outside with a map of the school and were able to locate all of the features that were on the map. Well done Year One!
Science week got off to a great start with a visit from Ben who was an engineer at Dyson. The talk that he gave the children was very inspirational and we may well see some of the children becoming inventors in the future! Seven Trent have also talked to the children about things that they can flush down the toilet and those things that should not be flushed down the toilet! The week ended with a visit from the hedgehog rescue centre. The children really enjoyed learning all about hedgehogs.
We hope you have a good weekend.
Mrs Manns and Miss Williams.
Friday 1st March 2024
Welcome back to Spring term 2. We cannot believe we are already at the end of Week 2. Over the last two weeks, the children have completed their reading assessments and we are really pleased with the progress they have all made.
In Maths, we have continued partitioning number to 20, focusing on 17, 18, 19 and 20. The children have grasped this concept well. We have been challenging the children to solve missing number, part-part whole questions which has been tricky but the children have shown such great resilience. Next week, we will be starting our fractions unit. We will be focusing on a half and a quarter.
The children are really showing their writing ability in Literacy. First, we looked at compound sentences (joining two sentences with the conjunction ‘and’). During the first lesson, the children struggled to make sure they were writing sentences and not just words. But by the end of the week, they were all able to write interesting compound sentences, for example; ‘The seagull is waiting to eat the children’s ice cream and the sneaky dog is eating a sandwich’. This week has been all about non-fiction. We have looked at a non-fiction text about tigers and the children have planned their own text, using an animal of their choice. I cannot wait to read their non-fiction texts.
In Phonics, we have been recapping all sounds taught this year. We are preparing the children for their Phonics Screening check in June 2024.
In RE, we have started our new unit of work ‘Who is Jewish and how do they live?’. We have looked at special objects that Jewish people have around their home. The children then asked questions about those objects and they were such wonderful questions. In a few weeks, we will be ‘zooming’ The Cheltenham Synagogue to understand even more about Judaism.
In Geography, we have begun looking at the four countries of the UK. This is new learning for the children and they are absolutely loving it. We have looked at atlases and maps to discover all the brilliant parts of the UK. We have looked closely at the different flags to see if we can remember each flag and match it to each country. In the coming weeks, we will be looking at the UK capital cities and a map of our school and local area.
In PE, we have been enjoying our dance unit. The children have been looking at different movements we can make with our bodies to create different weathers. By the end of the term, they will have created a short dance routine, using these movements. Hopefully they will be able to show you their moves at home, too.
In PSHE, we have been looking at life cycles of humans and animals. This has linked really well to our animals’ topic from last term and the children were able to remember a lot.
In Music, we have been using the glockenspiels to play the ‘Days of the Week’ song. There was a lot of interesting noises coming from the Year 1 classrooms in the first week, however, this week was much more tuneful. We were also discussing what makes a good musician – the children said, ‘good listening, singing, playing and performing’.
Next week, we will be taking part in The Really Wild Reading Festival. We will be joining authors Charlotte Middleton and Andy Seed, discovering their books and taking part in activities. World Book Day is on Thursday 7th March, where the children can come to school in their pyjamas with their favourite book.
Enjoy your weekend!
Miss Williams and Mrs Manns
Friday 2nd February 2024
We have had a busy two weeks in Year One! In Literacy we have really enjoyed learning about nouns, verbs and adjectives. It was great to talk about all of the adjectives in our core text by Julia Donaldson, “The Snail and the Whale.” It was so exciting to then write our own stories about two animals that went on a journey together making sure that we had used adjectives.
We have been learning about animals in Science too! We have been learning about what animals eat and thought it was great fun to Google our favourite animals to see if they were carnivores, herbivores or omnivores.
In RE we have been looking at the story of Jonah and the Whale. We learnt that the story teaches Christians that God is loving and forgiving. We thought about how Jonah must have been feeling during different parts of the story.
During our art lessons we have been learning about colour. We have learnt about primary colours, secondary colours, warm colours and cold colours. We have looked at paintings by the artists Klee and Kandinsky and talked about the colours that they used in their paintings. Sorting materials into warm colours and cold colours was lots of fun. We are looking forward to weaving with the materials thinking about light and dark colours.
We hope you have a good weekend.
The Year One Team
Friday 19th January 2024
Welcome back! Our Spring term is well underway! Over the last two weeks, we have been getting back into routine and encouraging the children to become even more independent.
In Literacy, we have been focusing on nouns and adjectives. The children picked this up really quickly and were able to explain that a noun is a place, person or thing and the adjective describes the noun. We have been identifying the noun in a sentence and trying to think of interesting adjectives to describe them. As I am hoping that the children have told you, we have been re-telling the Snail and the Whale by Julia Donaldson. The children have thoroughly enjoyed learning this off-by-heart with the actions. We will use this book to support the children when writing their own narrative, later in the term.
In maths, we have continued partitioning and finding addition and subtraction number sentences for the numbers 11 – 16. So far, we have looked at 11, 12, 13 and 14. The children have noticed that every time the number gets bigger – there are more part-part wholes to draw. We are encouraging the children to be able to use the part-part whole to write all four number sentences. This shows us that the children understand that addition is commutative and that when you are subtracting you must always start with the biggest number.
In Science, we have begun our Animals including humans topic. The children started with an elicitation of what they already knew about animals and labelling the body parts of the human body. We have been researching, using the non-fiction books in our library, the 6 different animal types; mammals, amphibians, reptiles, insects, birds and fish. It is really tricky to remember what is special about each group so we have started drawing our own pictures of those animals to help us remember.
In History, we have kicked off our ‘What is an explorer?’ topic. It was very interesting to hear the children’s thought on what an explorer did. Most children could say that explorer discovered new things. We will be finding out all about Christopher Columbus and how he became famous.
In RE, we are focusing on the key question, ‘What do Christians think God is like?’. We have liten to the parable of The Lost Son. A parable is a story with a hidden meaning. The parable of The Lost Son teaches that God is loving like a parent. The children gave at least two examples of a way in which Christians show their belief in God as loving and forgiving. The children came up with these examples; singing praising songs, reading about God in the bible and giving to others.
In PE, we have been focusing on our football skills. The children had remembered so much from their football sessions in reception. They were able to dribble the ball across the hall, tik tok the ball between their own feet and pass the ball from one end of the hall to the other. We have also been discussing sportsmanship and how important it is in sport.
Reading – this is just a reminder that that all children have access to an online book from Oxford Owl in addition to the books they bring home. This book is changed every Monday.
The children’s login details are at the front of their reading records. The children should be able to read the book independently.
Please let us know if you have any problems.
Enjoy your weekend!
Miss Williams and Mrs Manns
Friday 15th December 2023
We have had a very busy couple of weeks in Year One. It was great to see so many parents and carers at the Nativity Play. We were very proud of all the children, they had worked very hard to learn all of the songs and the actions to go with them.
As part of the D.T. curriculum the children have been learning about mechanisms e.g. a lever and a slider. They had to design a boat that would move and could be used in a story book for a child. It was so lovely to see the finished products after the children had designed the background and the boat. We had sailing ships on the ocean as the sun set and canal boats on the river. Well done Year One for your super ideas!
After learning about how to write a letter and use question marks, the children have been writing a letter to Father Christmas. We were very impressed with the questions they wanted to ask Father Christmas, e.g. How long does it take to get to the North Pole? What is your favourite food? Do you have a rest after delivering all of the presents?
It was lovely to visit the church this week to learn about a Christian Baptism. Rev. Mark welcomed the classes and showed them what would happen when a child or adult is baptised. The children then had opportunity to look around the church and ask lots of questions. The children have also been learning about how Muslims welcome babies.
There were very excited children in P.E. this week because the Coach taught them how to play some Christmas games while being very active.
In History the children have been learning about how boats have changed over time. We looked at lots of different boats and talked about how the materials they are made from and how they are powered have changed over time.
We hope you all have a joyful and restful Christmas.
Mrs Manns and Miss Williams.
Friday 1st December 2023
It really IS the most wonderful time of the year. As you know, we have been perfecting our Nativity – A King is Born. We cannot wait for you to see it on Tuesday. Thank you for your support with our costumes, too.
In Literacy, we have been inspired by ‘The Journey by Aaron Becker’ to create our own adventurous stories. First, we planned out our story, thinking about our main character, what they would be like and where they would go on their adventure. Every day, we took a different part of the story from beginning, middle to the end. It was really wonderful to see the children’s imaginations in full swing when they were thinking of creative ideas for their stories. Most children were able to use our writing skills such as; capital letters, full stops and finger spaces.
In Maths, we have started our addition and subtraction unit. We are focusing on the numbers 7 – 11. First, we partition the number using the multi-link to support us. The children have to identify how many part-part wholes they can make, without repeating the same number. Then, we find all of the addition and subtraction number sentences which are linked to those part-part wholes. Addition is easy however, sometimes we get the numbers the wrong way around when writing a subtraction number sentence e.g. 3 – 4 = 7. We have to ALWAYS start with the biggest number. Every day, we are now completing maths activities independently, we call this MOT.
In Science, we are still focusing on Seasonal Changes. The children were brilliant at identifying the similarities and difference between Autumn and Winter. This week, we were focusing on animals in winter. We looked at all of the different places that animals that hibernate in Winter.
In RE, we have enjoyed the parable of The Lost Coin. From this, we discussed how Christians show love or how we show love ourselves. Before our trip to the church, we have been thinking about how two people show they belong to one another with a ring and a promise – a wedding. The children drew promises that married people make.
In Computing, we are continuing our Digital Painting unit. We have been inspired by the work of Wassily Kandinsky, who created lots of abstract pieces of art. Using the lines, shapes and fill tools, the children have created their own designs. We are really impressed with all of their effort with this, it isn’t always easy!
In History, we have been learning about the history of Gloucester. In 1580, Queen Elizabeth 1 cam to Gloucester Docks to grant it port status which meant that timber and grain could be exported to other places. To help us understand this, we acted out what we thought would be happening in those days. Some children were boats coming into the port, some children were working at the port and some children were guarding the Queen. The children have been fascinated to learn about Gloucester Docks in the past.
The children are continuing to work their socks off and you may notice they come home with new reading books. They have been assessed and we would really encourage them to read their new books as often as possible for fluency.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Miss Williams and Mrs Manns
Friday 17th November 2023
What a busy two weeks we have had to the start of this term. We have enjoyed looking at the story “Journey” by Aaron Becker. There are no words in the book but the pictures are so detailed and beautiful that they tell the story. We are really looking forward to writing our own stories where the main character steps through a secret door.
In mathematics we have been counting forwards and backwards from a two-digit number. We have had to really think about the numbers when we have been counting backwards because it is a little tricky!
Finding out about the weather in science has been interesting. We were trying to match the weather to each of the seasons but sometimes that was difficult because it can be cloudy and rainy in all of the seasons!
This term in RE we are learning about what it means to belong to a faith community. We have looked at the different groups that we belong to and thought about why it is special to belong to these communities. We have then learnt about Christian and Muslim symbols of belonging.
Glorious Gloucester is our topic in history this term. We have looked at old and new photographs of the docks and talked about how the docks were used in the past compared with today. Working at the docks in the past looked very hard work.
It has been lovely to welcome Bishop Emmanuel from Tanzania to our school this week. He joined us for Collective Worship and then visited our classroom. We learnt about life in Tanzania and we had the opportunity to ask lots of questions. We even learnt how to sing a song from Tanzania.
The Year One Team
Friday 13th October 2023
Wow, we cannot believe the amount of progress the children have made over the last few weeks. Not just academically, within themselves!
In Literacy, we have been using the conjunction ‘and’ to join words and sentences. Whilst also making sure, we use capital letters, full stops, finger spaces and showing off our pre-cursive handwriting. There’s a lot to remember! We have been focusing on The Gingerbread Man, describing the setting and the other characters in the book. The children are beginning to understand that it is really important that they can actually read what they have written and it must MAKE SENSE!
In Reading, we now know The Gingerbread Man off-by-heart. Please ask the children to re-tell you the story – it is really lovely. Reading is such a crucial part of life and it really supports the children in their writing, too!
In Maths, we have continued to work with numbers to 20. Finding 1 more and 1 less, ordering the numbers smallest to largest and adding and subtracting 1. The children have been confidently and independently completing their ‘Do it’s’ and editing marvellous mistakes. We have worked together to help Colin with the ‘Twist it’ as he sometimes gets it wrong. The children have been able to correct Colin’s mistake, sometimes independently.
So far, in phonics, we have learnt these phase 5 sounds – ay, ou, ie, ea, ue, oy, ir, aw. The children have been recognising these sounds in words and love using them in their own writing.
Science is all about materials and their properties. We created a sorting tree, using different describing word such as; bumpy, rough, smooth, bendy, transparent. We have also helped Mrs Moss to solve the ‘water on the floor’ problem. We tested blue paper towels, kitchen roll, foil and cling film to see which on absorbs water the best. We found out that kitchen roll absorbs water the best with the blue paper towel closely behind.
In RE, we have continued to focus on the Creation story. The children are becoming more confident at remembering what was created on each day. We have been thinking about what Christians do to say ‘thank you’ to God for creation and how Christians say thank you and Harvest time.
We are really impressed with the children’s computing skills, this term. They have learnt how to log in to the computers, load up a program and use the drawing tools. They have been working together to solve tricky problems.
In Geography, we have been reading ‘The Town and the Country Mouse’ to work out which features you would find in a town and which features you would find in the countryside. We have used Google Maps to see where we live and to see if we can spot any features near us. The children have been fascinated when they recognise a place on the map.
In Art, we have had a go at making different marks using charcoal. We used the side of the charcoal and it make thicker lines. We used the point to created curved lines. The outcomes were really fabulous. Also, we have studied the artist John Singer Sargent, who painted and drew landscapes. The children were able to compare their own landscape to John Singer Sargent’s.
Thank you for continued support, especially with reading! It is wonderful to see how quickly the children are progressing – please keep this up!
Have a wonderful weekend.
The Year One Team
Friday 29th September 2023
What a busy time we have had over the last couple of weeks. It has been great to see the children enjoying the story of the Gingerbread Man, acting it out as they tell the story. Please do ask them to act it out for you at home! In Literacy we have been learning about capital letters, we have learnt that they not only go at the beginning of sentences but they are used for the names of places and people.
Maths has been challenging because we have been learning about the properties of shape and how to draw them. Did you know that a square is a special rectangle!
Both classes had great fun at Forest School. We enjoyed making homes for the animals, playing in the mud kitchen and toasting marshmallows on the fire. We listened carefully to Sophie and made sure we kept safe.
In Science we have continued to learn about materials. We have been trying to think of all the different words that can be used to describe materials. Rigid, flexible, smooth, rough, transparent, hard and soft were just a few of them.
After learning about Creation in R.E. we thought about what a Christian might want to thank God for. We had lots of ideas, the mountains, animals, water, rivers, food, people and plants.
Have a super weekend.
The Year One Team
Friday 15th September 2023
Well, we cannot believe we are at the end of the second week. It is hard to put into words everything the children have achieved however, one thing that has really stood out is their resilience and determination. The children have probably told you how different Year 1 is to Reception and they have completed everything that has been asked of them with a smile. We have had the pleasure of welcoming Mrs Douglas into our year group, and it feels like she has been with us forever. The children have made her feel very welcome.
First, we have established our routines and classroom rules. The children have worked together to come up with a set of classroom rules that we are all going to use to be the best we can be. We have discussed how to stay safe around school and in the classroom.
In Maths, we have begun our Place Value unit of work. The children have been counting backwards and forwards to 20, finding the missing numbers and representing numbers to 20 using a tens frame. One child said, ‘we don’t need to count the tens frame because we know that it has 10 in it’ – this is fantastic.
In Literacy, the children have been so excited to write in their very first lined book. They have taken this very seriously and have been showing off their pre-cursive handwriting. We have started looking at capital letters and full stops and where they go in a sentence. It would be great if you could encourage the children to use the letter names, at home, too.
There have been many Year 1 ‘firsts’ this week, first Science lesson, first Computing lesson, first RE lesson, first Art lesson and many, many more.
We will always have PE on a Monday and a Thursday; please can you make sure PE kits are in school.
Homework folders have gone out this week, please can they be returned every Thursday.
We are looking forward to meeting you all on Wednesday 20th September for our Meet the Teacher sessions, straight after school.
Have a lovely weekend.
The Year One Team