A Warm Welcome to Clearwater Academy
Part of The Diocese of Gloucester Academies Trust (DGAT)
“Small steps to big dreams”
Mark 4:30-32
We aim to provide educational excellence inspired by the world around us. To develop curious, responsible and confident learners within a caring community, in partnership with our families, upholding our Christian values.
School News & Information
Hedgehog goes to Parliament
A message from John De Gruyther, author of Hedgehog Finds Her Voice, which was produced in collaboration with children at Clearwater Academy: It was an [...]
Families in Partnership Newsletter December 2024
In partnership with Gloucestershire Parent Carer Forum (GPCF), Gloucestershire County Council and the Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group, Gloucestershire County Council coproduce a newsletter for parents [...]
Our School Council have done a fantastic job of representing the school at two different community Remembrance ceremonies - one at St James' War Memorial [...]
Introduction from the Principal
Welcome to Clearwater Academy. It is a privilege to be leading this new and growing school. Your children are at the heart of everything we do. We provide a caring, warm and safe environment in which they can learn and flourish.
Children of any faith and none are given the opportunity to develop their own spirituality, to be curious and ask big questions, to celebrate and make good choices that will provide a solid foundation as they progress through life. They will receive the highest educational provision underpinned by the Christian values of joy, compassion, respect, responsibility, community and courage.
We look forward to building our school community with you.
Mrs Moss and Mrs Hayward– Headteachers